Tuesday, June 30, 2009

day 10

I have the beginning stages of my directory I felt very productive

day 10

I have the beginning stages of my directory I felt very productive

day 10

I have the beginning stages of my directory I felt very productive

day 10

I have the beginning stages of my directory I felt very productive

Monday, June 29, 2009

day 8

Today I made a purchase. I will b working on my formula for the rest the week let's see how it goes

Sunday, June 28, 2009

day 8

not much just keeping the habit going

Saturday, June 27, 2009

day 7

day 7 and the only rountine that I am doing is posting everyday. So know I have to begin to kick into another gear. I will be writing tons of articles this week I am going to reach 4 about 50 . So we shall see

Friday, June 26, 2009


not much today just trying to get into the habit of posting everyday and charting my progress

Thursday, June 25, 2009

day 5

Wow I can still post from my bb storm. This is great! Today my learning consist of keywords and creating a list of those words. Not
As productive as I want be but its a start

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Got block down so was not that productive but what I did do is come up with some new ideas . I will be writing at least 2 articles tonight.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 3

Day three is the first day I feel a bit productive I am creating a website called 7figurejourny.com loaded with articles on how to obtain a 7 figure income. I feel great and like I am on my way to being more productive.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 2

yesterday was a total wash I end up falling a victim to fatigue. But I have deceided from this day forward to work three hours daily . So I will start doing that on day 3. Day 2 saw me doing a lot of lothing but I was able to finally get something done . which was I am going to really concentrate on wealth building . That is my focus from this point on. Learning the ins and outs of building true wealth. Also I spent hours trying to think of what I wanted to start a business on and could not think of anything because I of my knowledge base. I realize I know a little bit about a lot of things but I am not strong in one area so now . My goal is to become strong in wealth building from a online perspective . So now that I have my platform I am ready to increase my knowledgebase

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Hardest thing to do

Where do I start? It is so many things learn , so much information, and so hard to create ideas. What can I do. I am studying and my mind is moving at 1,000 miles an hour while I am gaining all this new knowledge. I notice that I am reading a lot of things and its telling me to perform actions after the readings. I am not performing the actions . Why is this the case? It has to be procrastination showing his ugly head . So now I have to figure out a way to get out of this cause if I stop procrastination I can begin to be more productive. So I my aim is to face procrastination head on by creating a project and follow the instructions of the course . Let see how long the process takes.

Day 1

Day 1 of my experiment to see how productive I can become if I truly focus my energy on doing so. So far in my 27 years of life I have mange to get a diaploma,BA, and MBA. Each time increasing my GPA. Now I feel hungry to accomplish more and receive more of life's blessings. So this blog will showcase my seeds and fruits of those seeds.
My ultimate goal is to be more productive and less solthful.
Underthis goal I will break my poor habits of procrastination, laziness and lack of focus. As I break these habits in turn I will make my first income online , apply to my first PhD program and start a exercise rountine .
I have not told anyone that I am doing this nor do I plan on telling them but I know its working if I begin to get compliments.
Another thing I hope to squash is talking about the actions I want to take and just take them. so Day is started and now I must go be productive.